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Is your oven or cooktop not working as should? Or, do you want to upgrade to a new model? Our licensed and insured team provides professional and safe oven and cooktop installation and repairs.


We’re Experts in Oven and Cooktop Installation/Repair 

Many issues can arise with ovens and cooktops as they age. The Buffalo Air & Electrical team can help identify and repair many problems, from temperature issues to door closure. 


Installing or repairing a cooktop or oven is a job that requires a skilled professional. Our licensed and experienced team will ensure your new oven or cooktop is installed or repaired safely. Your appliance will have a longer lifespan and your home will be safe for you and your family.


If your electric oven or cooktop is not working, we can help with a wide range of issues such as: 

  • The light doesn't turn on

  • The oven or cooktop doesn’t turn on

  • Light Up Display doesn't work

  • An oven is too hot or cold

  • The oven or stove doesn't heat up

  • The door won't close all the way


We work with all major electric oven and cooktop models.


Book Your Oven Installation/Repair 

If you have any questions or would like to book a quote, please contact our friendly team or complete the form below and we will get back to you within 24hrs. We usually complete oven installation or repair jobs within 1-2 weeks from contact. 


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